Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of ISCA 2025, or if you would just like to have more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Antoine Gliksohn at agliksohn@albinismalliance.org.

About the International Scientific Conference on Albinism (ISCA) 2025

ISCA is the only conference worldwide specifically addressing all bio-medical aspects of albinism. 

ISCA is a unique international scientific conference gathering participants from all over the world, including researchers, health care providers, students, and albinism organization leaders, all sharing the same interest: to improve the health of those with albinism.

During the four-day virtual event, numerous albinism experts will address the many health concerns of persons with albinism. This includes dermatology, ophthalmology, genetics, therapies and more. ISCA covers all clinical forms of albinism: ocular, oculocutaneous, and syndromic forms (HPS and CHS), thus contributing to a rich and educational event.

Sponsoring ISCA aligns well with the GAAs Vision of a world where persons with albinism enjoy the best possible quality of life.
By sponsoring ISCA you are making possible a Global Forum to improve the health of those with albinism.

Main objectives of ISCA

  • improve the clinical and molecular diagnosis of albinism
  • improve medical care for persons with albinism (skin health and visual rehabilitation)
  • promote and facilitate albinism focused research programs
  • stimulate the development of therapies to address the different health impairments linked with albinism
  • connect medical professionals and researchers at both the regional and international levels to foster collaborations 
  • facilitate the exchange of best practices among medical professionals as well as patient organizations

ISCA History

The first ISCA Conference – ISCA 2022 – was held online November 16-19, 2022.

This conference was conceived as a continuation of a series of five conferences known as the EDA (European Days of Albinism). Five EDA Conferences were held from 2012-2020.

  • 1st EDA Paris, France 2012
  • 2nd EDA Valencia, Spain 2014
  • 3rd EDA Milan, Italy 2016
  • 4th EDA Hurdal, Norway 2018
  • 5th EDA Virtual 2020

More information on the history of ISCA here.

Outcomes of the Previous Scientific Conferences on Albinism

  • Creation of multidisciplinary outpatient centers in several European hospitals for patients with albinism, following the example of the Niguarda Hospital (Milan, Italy), leading to the improvement of medical care for people with albinism
  • Launch of new collaborations among researchers including joint research projects and the publication of numerous articles in renown international journals, including a special issue of the IOVS on albinism.
  • Skill transfer between medical teams and genetics laboratories across borders leading to an improvement in diagnosis and management of patients with albinism
  • Better collaboration between the medical community and the patient associations, leading to innovative projects on medical care
  • Launch of an Albinism Variant Curation Expert Panel (“Albinism VCEP”) hosted by ClinGen.

ISCA 2025 Scientific Advisory Committee Members

ISCA 2025 is organized with the guidance of a prestigious Scientific Advisory Committee, consisting of 16 internationally recognized researchers and clinicians from differents fields of science and different regions of the world.

See list of Scientific Advisory Committee Members here.

About the Global Albinism Alliance

In January 2020, an exploratory meeting was held in Paris, France. This meeting was organized by the UN Independent Expert on Albinism and sponsored by Under the Same Sun and the Open Society Foundations. Representatives of albinism organizations and others advocating on behalf of those with albinism from 6 continents (23 countries) voted unanimously to form an official albinism alliance. Delegates also approved a Pilot Project to establish a Global Albinism Alliance to promote solidarity among albinism groups around the world.

The GAA’s Vision is “a world where persons with albinism enjoy the best possible quality of life”.

The GAA’s Mission is based on three main pillars:

  • Support albinism organizations around the world so that they are stronger and more impactful
  • Improve knowledge about albinism
  • Advocate at the global level to improve the life of persons with albinism and their family members

More information about the GAA here.

Sponsor Benefits

Registration for up to five members of your organization
The name and the logo of your company / foundation / society will be displayed on all ISCA 2025 communications
Information about your company / foundation / society will be emailed to conference attendees in an electronic packet
Your company / foundation / society will be mentioned and acknowledged in the opening session of ISCA 2025.
The logo of your company will be included in the official conference slide deck template
A video (up to 90 minutes in length) about your company / foundation / society will be shown during one of the Main Sessions of ISCA 2025
Your company / foundation / society will be offered the opportunity to give a four minute live presentation at the opening session. The logo of your company will be displayed on the virtual background to be used by all speakers.