Panagiotis Sergouniotis

University of Manchester
Manchester Royal Eye Hospital
Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine
Manchester, UK

Dr. Panos Sergouniotis is a Wellcome Clinician Scientist at the University of Manchester and an Honorary Consultant in Ophthalmology and Genetics at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine.

Dr. Sergouniotis studied Medicine at the University of Athens and received a PhD in Ophthalmic Genetics from University College London (UCL).  He subsequently joined the University of Manchester where he leads a multidisciplinary research group working at the interface of genomics, developmental biology and clinical ophthalmology. He has published extensively in the field of vision research, including a textbook on ‘Clinical Ophthalmic Genetics and Genomics’ and over 100 papers. He has also received multiple awards, including a Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellowship. Dr. Sergouniotis set up a Paediatric Ophthalmic Genetic service in Manchester and has a long-standing clinical interest in inherited retinal conditions and albinism. His long-term goals include (i) advancing our understanding of the basic developmental and organisational principles of the human fovea, and (ii) developing models that will help measure, model and promote healthy visual system development in infants and young children.

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